Our topics

and social issues

Being a democrat: Shaping social change

A society that is becoming increasingly diverse needs the participation of everyone. The debate about societal and social structures is a daily challenge. Everyone should have a say in this process, especially those who are not usually listened to. We get involved and offer opportunities to bring everyone together to discuss topics such as inclusion, health, care, discrimination and democratic participation. We connect church, politics, administration, educational partners, social work and anyone who wants to be part of the dialogue. Creating the common good is our goal and mission.

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History and politics

The world of today in the mirror of the past: Urgent debates, new research, scientific networking

The state of democracy and threats to it, climate, one world, war and peace: We engage with current political and social debates. We look far beyond national borders to global horizons, without which human co-existence on earth is no longer possible.

Contrary to widespread short-sightedness in the public debate, we also want to convey that current developments do not take place in a historical vacuum. This is why we want to make historical facts and debates accessible to a broad public, stimulate scientific discourse and offer young researchers in particular the opportunity to exchange ideas and build networks.

We collaborate with academic working groups, universities, archives and historical associations, as well as with citizen initiatives. Among other things, we focus on contemporary history and politics of memory, gender history, church and regional history as well as Jewish history.

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Beyond here and there

Global challenges and opportunities

Global migration movements, wars and conflicts, climate change and the various crises in both Germany and Europe can only be understood and addressed in an international context. Two subject areas – “International Relations” and “Migration and Human Rights” - focus on current developments, challenges and opportunities in dialogue with theory and practice. Key topics are: peace, indigenous knowledge, intercultural dialogue, human rights, migration/migration law, (social) environment. Regional focus areas are: Africa, Latin America, (Eastern) Europe.

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Interreligious dialogue

The dialogue of religions as a task and an opportunity

A constantly changing society also poses major challenges for religions and their theologies. Christianity, Islam and Hinduism alike are facing secularisation on the one hand and an increase in fundamentalist movements on the other. Major problems of our time - such as fighting climate change, preserving creation, restoring peace and a sense of community - represent ethical tasks for everyone. The digital transformation will also change religions. What can they achieve together in dialogue? Where are the limits?

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Church and society

The path reveals itself as you walk

Church and society? Are they two different things? Yes and no. Theologically speaking, the church - following in the footsteps of St Augustine - belongs as a sacrament to the ‘civitas dei’, the ‘City of God’. As a constitutional church, and as a church that acts in whatever sinful way, it belongs to normal society (‘civitas terrena’). This earthly church is what we are generally dealing with here in all its light and often very dark aspects.

Be renewed in the spirit of your minds (Eph 4:23-24; 32-5:2)

It is therefore more of a togetherness, a mutual enquiry and explanation. At the Academy, we reflect on this ‘church in society’ with all its current, cultural, theological and legal references. We think and discuss in an interdisciplinary way. We try to interweave the best of two worlds in all honesty. And always in three steps: we reflect, we think ahead and we try to think broadly in order to explore new territory.

In this sense, we also like to set our own theological, practical, ecumenical, ethical and social topics. The path, as Pope Francis has said, is revealed as we walk.

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Experiences for the eyes,
ears and soul

Art enriches our lives; art is expression where words fail. It can touch you and open your eyes if you open yourself up to it.  It calls for doors in order to be accessible, it needs exhibitions in order reach people. In our two conference centres, we show contemporary art - four times a year - and arrange encounters with artists. We visit major art museums and small, exquisitely designed churches. Or we go to the opera...

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Caring for the common home

Science and theology in constructive dialogue

Anyone asking about the origin of mankind will receive correct, but existentially unsatisfactory answers from the natural sciences. Only the coexistence of evolution and creation will lead to the right answers. The future of humanity cannot be left to the natural sciences and technical innovation alone. Will we retain control over the rapid development of artificial intelligence? Haven't we long since lost control of climate change?

Theological views of the world and humanity are therefore necessary in social dialogue and cooperation, not only in retrospect, but also in the face of current challenges. They have the potential to offer individuals and society meaningful perspectives for actionin a world that is explained by science and shaped by technology.

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